Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Hydration Does Not Have to be Continued with Water

serum jerawat

Hydration Does Not Have to be Continued with Water


Jakarta, To avoid dehydration, generally you are encouraged to drink lots of water. If you think it is impossible to drink 8 glasses of water everyday, so there is happy news for you. An Australian public health journal has broken the myth of the importance of each person drinking 8 glasses of water everyday just to avoid dehydration. According to the journal, virtually every person can get enough fluid to protect his body is still hydrated only from drinks and food consumed, even from caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea. This kind of thing means 'drink 8 glasses a day' it will not need to be referenced because it is true that drinking water when it feels thirsty, "" said Madelyn Fernstrom, diet experts listed. It is not bad if you consume 8 glasses of fluid / day but this kind of thing has not been scientifically proven yet. This idea is a reference from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council on th. 1940s which mentions that adults should consume around 2, 5 liters of water / day. "" But the 2nd statement that is often overlooked is that some of the water you need actually comes from your food and unfortunately the report is not based on solid evidence, "" explained Dr. Aaron Carroll, professor of pediatrics and director of Children's Health Services Research, Indiana University School as written from MSNBC, Thursday (07/06/2012). "" Just one year ago, the most important nutritionist named Dr Frederick Stare mentioned the same thing about drinking 8 glasses of water a day, but he also gave that the need could be filled with coffee, tea, milk, soft drinks or even beer. In fact, according to him fruits and vegetables are the best source of water. "" But does not drink lots of water can lose weight? This is true. "Drinking high-volume water can already be proven to squeeze the appetite, but the consumption of foods with high water content such as watermelon, lettuce or grapefruit give the result of weight loss is greater than just to avoid more food and consume more water, "" noted the Australian editor, Spero Tsindos from the department of diet and human nutrition at La Trobe University, Victoria. "We also heard that drinking lots of water helps to avoid kidney stones and urinary tract infections, but research has shown that it only applies to some people who first suffer from both the disease and prone to recurrence. "" The culture of drinking more and more water is actually so profitable, "" explained Vreeman. "Of course, your body needs fluids and water is a healthy option to meet those needs, but many of us have used very much money, energy and guilt on ourselves forcing to drink more water than we need. "" So how much water should drink? Your agency will also tell you what it needs. Listen to your body, drink it when the body tells you because of it and you do not need to drink more than that. Fernstrom also noted that it definitely adds better select water from the soda, sweet or sweetened juice and high-calorie drinks. If consuming too much water, so far there is no evidence to suggest that the superiority of water is good, but this situation is not dangerous. "The problem that goes on because the benefits of water consumption will only take place in extreme athletes who sweat profusely and drink very much water without any change in their salt consumption," "explains Fernstrom. For common people, if you drink lots of water throughout the day so "" You just will also often urinate, "" he said. (ir / ir)



Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Doktor Dagga Extrakte auf Gorilla Gorgeous Tabak Tabak

kopi hijau di yogyakarta

Doktor Dagga Extrakte auf Gorilla Gorgeous Tabak Tabak


Jakarta, Gorilla Tabak wurde das Gespräch, weil es angeblich von Piloten Citilink verwendet wurde, die "betrunken", obwohl in der Tat der Pilot negative Drogen erklärt wurde. Nun, über den berauschenden Inhalt dieses Tabaks haben Ärzte eine Erklärung. Dr. Andri SpKJ, FAPM, vom Omni International Hospital sagt, dass Gorilla-Tabak grundsätzlich eine Mischung aus Tabakprodukten für Zigaretten ist. In der Mischung gibt es ein Blatt von einer wilden Pflanze namens Dagga.Dulu Jahr 2015-2016 ist berühmt für Gorilla-Tabak. Eine Art Tabak aus Tabak, Nelken, aber es gibt noch eine andere Art von wildem Dagga-Extrakt, sagte Dr. Andri, als er sich kürzlich in seiner Praxis traf. Es wird als Zigarette oder gewöhnliche Zigarette betrachtet, hat aber eine andere Wirkung als gewöhnlicher Tabak. Wenn also dieser Gorilla-Tabak aus wildem Dagga-Extrakt eine beruhigende Wirkung hat oder ein Beruhigungsmittel so hoch ist, dass manche sagen, dieser Tabak ähnelt Marihuana, setzte Dr. Andri fort.Lesen Sie auch: Wissen AB-CHMINACA, Verbindungen ähnlich Cannabis in Gorilla-Tabak Beim Essen Gorilla-Tabak kann Halluzinationen, außergewöhnliche Euphorie und auch ein Gefühl der Ruhe erleben. Dieser Effekt hält in wenigen Stunden an, kann aber auch bis zum vollen Tag dauern. Nach Dr. Andri Unterschied Wirkung und Dauer Dauer dieser Gorilla Tabak auftritt, weil die Absorption von Stoffen durch den Körper jedes einzelnen auch variieren. Eine Sache, über die man sich Sorgen machen muss, sind die anhaltenden Nebenwirkungen, wenn es auf lange Sicht konsumiert wird. Zusätzlich zu den verschiedenen Effekten wie Halluzinationen könnte er ein Problem im Zusammenhang mit Halluzinationen verursachen, wir befürchten, dass es sich beruhigen wird. Es gibt einige Fälle von Patienten, die wir finden einmal versucht, die Symptome können für Tage oder sogar Monate bleiben. Wenn später nicht behandelt wird Probleme verursachen, sagte Dr. Andri.Terkait diesen Inhalt, wird die Nationale Betäubungsmittel-Agentur (BNN) in naher Zukunft in Substanzen, die im Betäubungsmittelgesetz geregelt werden müssen. Andere Namen von Gorilla-Tabak sind Sun Go Kong, Natareja, Hanoman und viele andere. Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit BNN Kombes Slamet Personal erwähnen die Verwendung eines anderen Namens es ist eine Marketing-Taktik von den Syndikaten durchgeführt. Gorilla-Tabak kann in seiner Laiensprache auch synthetisches Marihuana genannt werden. Lesen Sie auch: Weitgehend missbraucht, Gorob Cap Tobacco Effects Genannt ähnlich wie GanjaVideo Die Erklärung der Gorilla Copper kann hier angehört werden:




(vit / vit)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Plus Minus Breaking Fast with Sweet Tea Ice


Plus Minus Breaking Fast with Sweet Tea Ice


Jakarta, uno dei menu preferiti per rompere il digiuno è il tè freddo dolce. Fresco seducente, anche se ci sono anche effetti collaterali se preso eccessivamente. L'eccesso di tè freddo dolce come un menu berbuka uno di loro è sul contenuto di zucchero saccarosio. Strutture semplici rendono questo tipo di zucchero più facilmente assorbibile, ripristinando così rapidamente i livelli di zucchero nel sangue dopo una giornata di digiuno. I carboidrati come il riso aumentano anche i livelli di zucchero nel sangue, ma ci vuole più tempo per rompere ed essere assorbito a causa della sua struttura zuccherina più complessa. Pertanto, il tè freddo dolce, come le datteri, le composte o altri cibi dolci, è più spesso un'opzione per rompere il digiuno. Il lato negativo, un improvviso picco nei livelli di zucchero può anche innescare sonnolenza. Pertanto, non è consigliabile bere un tè freddo eccessivamente dolce. Inoltre, continua ancora con il mangiare pesante in seguito. L'assunzione eccessiva di zucchero renderà più sonnolenta. Leggi anche: l'addome si sente vero mentre sta appena rompendo tisane e torte dolci, Normalkah?





Anche il contenuto di caffeina nel tè deve essere considerato per quello stomaco sensibile. Oltre ad avere un effetto diuretico che scatena la minzione frequente o frequente, la caffeina in alcune persone può anche aumentare la produzione di acido dello stomaco. Ciò provocherà sensazioni di disagio nello stomaco. Allo stesso modo, per le persone con diabete, il contenuto di saccarosio dovrebbe anche diffidare dal non innescare picchi nei livelli di zucchero nel sangue non controllati. Leggi anche: Non consigliato bere il tè quando Sahur, ecco la ragione (su / su)